Τα ίδια κάνουν τώρα και με τους πρόσφυγες από την Συρία αλλά η Τουρκία έχει το θράσος να θέλει και “επέμβαση”. Μάλλον για να έχει πρώτη ύλη για τους κανίβαλους. (ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗ – ΣΟΚ: ΤΟΥΡΚΟΙ ΣΦΑΖΟΥΝ ΣΥΡΟΥΣ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΝ!)
Turkish involvement in the Balkan organ trade
Turks around the world and their bandit state have a huge involvement, in all manner of illicit activities from drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, nuclear weapons proliferation and even organ trafficking. The following excerpt from an article written back in May exposes the Turkish connection and liaison with Albanians also involved in the organ trade:
The New Yorker: Bring Up the Bodies
by Nicholas Schmidle, May 6, 2013
… Since the late nineteen-nineties, Istanbul—a short flight from Tirana—has been a destination for transplant tourism.
In late 2002, a K.L.A. member told Montgomery that the group had made “a fortune” by trafficking body parts, primarily kidneys. C., as Montgomery called the source, claimed that the K.L.A. received about forty-five thousand dollars per body. Most shipments involved body parts from “two or three Serbs,” though C. knew of an instance when the K.L.A. “did five Serbs together.”
That October, a young Turkish man, who had agreed to accept twenty thousand dollars for one of his kidneys, arrived at the clinic in Pristina. The kidney was removed and placed inside a seventy-four-year-old Israeli man, who had paid ninety thousand euros for it. The operations were performed by Dervishi and by a Turkish surgeon, Yusuf Sonmez, who is known in the Turkish press as Dr. Frankenstein, for his prominent role in the black-market organ trade. …